
Investor Relations

Investor Relations is the medium to communicate information to the public. To create a clear understanding - accurate and useful to investor relations.

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Return on Assets(ROA) (%)

Return on Equity(ROE) (%)
Net Profit Margin 16.65%
Net Profit 451.02 M. Baht
lastest Data : 31 ธันวาคม 2561

Corporate Governance

IR Home/Corporate Governance

For the trans parency and beneficial

Contribution to the Company’s business operation, the Company has policy to conduct in compliance with the Code of Best Practice in order to enhance the confidence to shareholders, investors, and all persons concerned. The Board of Directors has determined the corporate governance policy referred on the good governance practices for the listed companies of the Stock Exchanges of Thailand. This covers the good governance structure, guidelines of corporate governance practices, working structures, and policies in order to rigorously conduct under the corporate governance policy.


The Company has defined the code of corporate governance conduct to be the guidelines circulated to the directors, executives, and employees to conduct under the law, regulations, and related rules


To ensure that the Company has carried on business with integrity, efficiency and effectiveness.


The corporate governance of the Company that has been constantly conducted is comprised of the 5 items namely the rights of shareholders, equitable treatment of shareholders, roles of stakeholders, disclosure of information and transparency, and responsibility of the Board of Directors (details of the conduct of corporate governance of the Company are viewed on the Company’s website (www.richy.co.th). Moreover, the Company has provided other regulations and operation manuals for the high level executives and employee to implement.

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